We offer a range of allied services adding value to projects by focusing on time, cost, quality and safety by doing the following:
Program Management & Process Review
- Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Periodic Reviewing & Reporting to Owner on the factual status of the overall project Schedule.
- Identifies risks to the timeline of projects and advise the Owner on remedial actions.
Quality Review & Audits
- Evaluate the project process in order to identify defects so that they can be fixed.
- Provide recommendation to prevent future defects in the project process.
- Review and report quality standards with respect to specifications and contract documentation.
- Prepare monthly audit report collating observations, risks, defects noted and recommendations.
- Follow up to review the compliance of recommendations provided and report the status.
Safety Review & Audits
- Conduct Safety Audits which measure compliance and conformance to safety standards, striving for zero accidents.
- Undertake 3rd party Safety Audits for our clients.
- Undertakes the Environment, Health & Safety audit for projects and propose mitigating plan.
- Establishing minimum EHS standards for projects.
- Risk assessment and mitigation plans.
- Safe working method statements for critical activities.
- Various permits to work.
- Regular inspections to identify & correct unsafe situations.
- Effective emergency evacuation system.